Tip #33 Is Board Member Social Time Worthwhile?
Making time and creating opportunities for board member social time is indeed worthwhile. Such social time helps to create and sustain a board culture in which board members feel accepted and comfortable in the group, a board culture in which board members feel encouraged and supported in respectfully disagreeing and offering different perspectives in their boardroom discussions. In addition, research conducted by BoardSource indicates that in boards with dedicated social time for board members, board members are more likely to describe their boards as collaborative teams and are also more likely to have satisfied board members who serve the maximum number of board terms allowed by their boards. (BoardSource. Leading with Intent. 2017. Page 26).
Some ideas for board social time include the following:
- Allow time before and/or after each board meeting for social interaction.
- Provide social time before or after board meetings paired with a meal or other refreshments.
- Build into your board meetings an opportunity for personal sharing perhaps at the beginning of each meeting. This could involve sharing something about themselves that other board members are not likely to know, something that has happened to them since the last board meeting, or some experience they have had related to the organization’s mission, etc.
- Occasionally schedule a board meeting at a local restaurant.
- Gather at a local restaurant after a board meeting.
- Build structured social time into board retreats or extended gatherings of the board.
- Organize field trips for board members relevant to your organization’s mission.
- Occasionally during board meetings or retreats utilize small group breakout sessions of differing combinations of board members.
- Vary seating arrangements at board meetings to encourage board member interactions among different board members.
Consider selecting one or more new opportunities for board member social time and try them out in your board.
The Policy Governance® model provides a structure and processes conducive to effective board member interaction. Designated board member social time can provide valuable opportunities for positive board culture development that complements such structure and processes. For information about the Policy Governance® system, please click https://www.BoardsOnCourse.com/policy-governance.
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