Blog Entries - tips for effective boards
Tip #77 What Are the Legal Duties of Individual Board Members?
While the articulation of the legal duties of individual members of public/governmental and non-profit boards may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, such articulations usually include a version of the following
Tip #76 Should Boards Limit Board Member Terms?
In dealing with the issue of how long board members should be allowed to serve on the board, it is important to strive for a balance between retaining experienced board members while having a steady flow of new
Tip #75 What's the Board's Role in Strategic Planning?
In this Tip for Effective Boards, I would like to share how the Carver Policy Governance® model sees the role of the board in strategic planning. I am hopeful that boards not currently practicing this model may
Tip #74 How to Use Board Committees Productively
The following principles of the Policy Governance® model can provide insights relevant to a board’s use of committees. I believe boards not currently practicing the Policy Governance model may find them relevant as
Tip #73 Sample Board Policy on Servant-Leadership
If your board has decided to embrace servant-leadership, you may find it helpful to officially adopt a board policy on servant-leadership, perhaps something like the following sample policy. Board
Tip #72 Sustain and Enhance Your Board's Commitment to Servant-Leadership
After your board commits to servant-leadership, it is important that it attends to sustaining and continuing to enhance its commitment to servant-leadership. The following tips are presented for your consideration.
Tip #71 How Your Board Can Embrace Servant-Leadership
The following steps are suggested for your board to embrace servant-leadership: 1. Your board familiarizes itself with servant-leadership, the characteristics of servant-leaders and the values of
Tip #70 Additional Characteristics of Servant-Leaders
In this Tips for Effective Boards, we will describe four additional characteristics of servant-leaders. In our next Tips for Effective Boards we will turn to a discussion of what it means for boards to embrace the