Blog Entries - 2020
Tip #55 How to Avoid Rubberstamping and Micromanaging
A critical challenge that all boards face is finding a way to effectively balance empowering the CEO while retaining organizational control. Rubberstamping and micromanaging represent two extremes to be avoided in
Tip #54 Four Additional Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership
In this Tip for Effective Boards, we will focus on the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth of the Ten Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership. Provide Support to the Board. It is important that
Tip #53 Three Additional Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership
In this Tip for Effective Boards, we will focus on the fourth, fifth and sixth of the Ten Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership. Clarify the Scope of the CEO’s Delegated Authority and Range of
Tip #52 Three Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership
In this Tip for Effective Boards, we will focus on the first three of the Ten Keys to a Successful Board-CEO Partnership identified in last month’s Tip for Effective Boards. Clarify Roles and Relationship.