Tip #87 Should Boards Be Concerned about Unintended Impacts?
Boards should be concerned about their organizations producing intended impacts relating to their board-determined organizational purpose. But what about other impacts that are perhaps mostly
Tip #86 Sample Agenda for Impactful Board Meetings
The following board meeting agenda is a sample agenda for a board that uses the Policy Governance® model of board operations. However, even boards not using this model may find in this sample agenda ideas that can make
Tip #85 Tips for Impactful Efficient Board Meeting Agendas
Tips for impactful efficient board meeting agendas include the following: 1. Be crystal clear about what the job of the governing board is. The Policy Governance® model identifies three core job
Tip #84 Develop and Nurture a Board Culture that Promotes Rational Decision-Making
In our last two Tips for Effective Boards, we focused on the tendency of individuals toward irrational decision-making and the group process phenomenon of Groupthink which also undermines rational group decision-making.
TIP #83 Groupthink Can Undermine Rationality in Board Decision-Making
In our last Tips for Effective Boards, we focused on the tendency of individuals towards irrationality. In this Tip our focus shifts to Groupthink, a group process phenomenon that undermines rational decision-making.
Tip #82 Board Meeting Discussions May Tend to be Irrational Unless ....
Board Meeting discussions may tend to be irrational unless steps are taken to counter individual and group tendencies towards irrationality. In this Tips for Effective Boards we will focus on the tendency of individuals
Tip #81 Are There International Standards for Board Governance?
In September of 2021, the ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) published ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organizations – Guidance. It had been developed over several years by representatives from
Tip #80 What's an Annual Board Agenda Plan and How Can It Be Helpful?
Once it is recognized that the board’s job of governing the organization is different from the CEO’s job of managing the organization, an annual board agenda plan becomes an effective means for the board to